Define with whom and under which conditions would you like to work
Identify what is important to you pedagogically/therapeutically and relate it to the needs of your target group
Develop your curriculum step by step with weekly tasks
Participants learn:
to design overriding clear course structure to engage and support participant’s development
to prepare individual units using lesson plans – examples provided
to value your own creativity and spontaneity within a supportive framework of well-prepared units
to adapt content to your target group and your participant’s needs in a setting that is supportive your teaching style
6x Online Seminars (1 hour each) including group discussions
Lesson plan examples – provided
Weekly tasks (ca. 2 hours/week)
Individual feedback of your finished written course plan
English – Monday 10:00
German – Monday 12:00
3-6 Participants per course
21.9, 28.9, 5.10, 12.10, 19.10 and 9.11
Cost: 180 €
Target group:
AT-Trainers and 3rd year students who would like to provide courses to groups (big or small) in any setting and would like support starting and/or improving their course design with supportive colleagues in a small group atmosphere.
Amanda Barrett: at-ease Alexander Technique, Grad. Dipl. Education, Bachelor of Music